Who we are
Hi! We’re Lisa and Anthony, and our mission is to bring you healthy recipes, helpful tips, and hopeful tales... while the empire slowly collapses. These are scaled down to fit the small spaces most of us have around us: We believe you don’t have to buy land and raise livestock to learn valuable skills and put homesteading practices into place. Yes, even if all you have is a balcony!
If this sounds like your cup of (herbal) tea, welcome. You’ve found your people.
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Also receive a free companion-planting guide that includes native plants
Why we do this
The industrial world is waning… but slowly. We all have this window, this moment to boost our own food security, build our self-reliance and independence, and recover the manners and methods that allowed our ancestors to survive the worst of times.
Learn more
Check out the “About” page for more or see Lisa’s awards and press, books, and publication list. You can also try us on for size at the links below.
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Looks good!! I’ll be working on mine the next couple of days