Good to know it's not just me getting overwhelmed by the growth ( and the weeds) at this time of year! Because of our long dry hot spell earlier, we're a bit behind. I harvested the currants and gooseberries today, well the ones left behind by the blackbird family which worked out how to get under the netting. Thanks for the tip on drying chard, will definitely do that later this year!

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You're welcome! Yes, I think "overwhelm" is a common feeling right about now; that and letting go of things you thought you'd tackle but didn't get to. I wish I'd planted currants years ago and still might do that. It's amazing how skillful the birds can be at slipping past the netting. Have you ever tried those reflectors or other visual deterrents? They seemed to work for us on the gooseberries this year.

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It's the first time I've lost a chunk of fruit in this way and they mostly went for the red fruit, leaving the other so I think I'll just regard the loss as a charitable donation for this year. They were nesting close by - I found an eggshell - so it's a one-off.

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That's good! That's pretty much my whole gardening philosophy in a nutshell: some for the wildlife, some for me...

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I harvested about 30lbs of food yesterday, beets, zucchini, kohl rabi, basil, carrots, cukes. Something is eating the tops of my beets, we think it is a chipmunk but whatever it is is not interested in the peanut butter in the live trap. It is definitely a rodent. The basil I processed with olive oil, later this summer I will gather pine nuts.

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That's amazing that you can harvest fresh pine nuts! I'm eyeing our juniper berries to include in ferments once those cucumbers come in.

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I haven't ever, but It occurred to me, at the family 80 we have a few hundred young pines with copious cones, so I am going to try to time it right. I will surely report on success or not.

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I can't wait to hear your results. By the way, 30 lbs is impressive! I can't seem to grow beets, which is just as well since Anthony needs to avoid due to the oxalates. But we're thick now in zucchini and carrots, with cucumbers on the way.

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